Curious George re-surfaces!

curiousgeorge_sm.jpgI was beginning to wonder where our intrepid traveler, Curious George (Age of Conversation mascot), had gone. Did he suffer memory loss from all the martinis in Manhattan, ending up in an alleyway in Queens? Was he abducted by alien bloggers? Did he simply return to the man in the Yellow Hat, convinced that a worldwide tour of visits to marketing bloggers was just too much for one little monkey?

Happily, the answer is none of the above. He was recovering his senses, and taking a brief respite in the hallowed halls of academia, with Emily Klasper over at Library Revolution. And now he is on his way to warm the hearts of other AOC authors, each of whom will undoubtedly find ways to pose CG in situations both strange and adorable!

About Steve Woodruff
Steve Woodruff is a blogger, a Connection Agent, and a consultant in the pharma/healthcare industry. He specializes in helping people and companies make mutually beneficial connections.

3 Responses to Curious George re-surfaces!

  1. Emily C says:

    George was a terrific helper… I hope that the other authors will put him to work, too. 🙂

  2. Thank you for giving us news. Now, can’t wait to meet Georges. : )