Getting Started: Social Networking

It can be a little bit intimidating for many folks, getting started with social networking. What’s a blog? How can I use LinkedIn? Should I be on Facebook? Does Twitter matter? How do I start?

Cover_smEvery active networker had to just…start…at some point. Maybe we can make things a little easier.

Here is a free e-book(let) download for those looking to get involved (or more deeply involved) with social networking: Getting Started with Social Networking. A condensed slide show is also available here on Slideshare.

The e-booklet is only 15 pages, but it’s packed full of helpful links and advice. Briefly, the What and Why of social networking is covered, then in a very practical step-by-step fashion, the How. Plus, there is a bonus Appendix with worksheet to help you define your “personal brand” and refine your message.

There is also a special Appendix with resources for pharmaceutical professionals.

Many thanks to those bloggers who provide such valuable/linkable content, as well as those who helped with suggestions, reviews, and edits;  Chris Brogan, Angela Maiers, Kirsten Wright, David Armano (cover graphic), Robin Broitman, Ann Handley, Mike Sansone, Doug Meacham, Tom Clifford, Ross Teasley, Jonathan Richman, Marina Martin, the Mashable team, the Commoncraft team, Molly Infolode, Jennifer Berk, Byron Woodson, Liz Scherer, Dawn Foster, Dan Schawbel, Brian Solis, Guy Kawasaki, Nick O’Neill, the Butterscotch team, the eHow team, Alison Driscoll, Kirsti Scott, Dave Fleet, Darren Rowse, Paul Chaney, Gavin Heaton, Liz Strauss, Lisa Hoffmann, Beth Harte, Karen Swim, Mack Collier Shwen Gwee, John Mack, Deirdre Breakenridge, and Ellen Hoenig Carlson (hopefully I haven’t forgotten anyone!)

Feel free to share the link, or forward the .pdf file, freely to any who may benefit from it.

AND – if you want more (free e-book) starter guides, check out this one by the always-helpful Amber Naslund, and this broader view from Antony Mayfield.


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About Steve Woodruff
Steve Woodruff is a blogger, a Connection Agent, and a consultant in the pharma/healthcare industry. He specializes in helping people and companies make mutually beneficial connections.

11 Responses to Getting Started: Social Networking

  1. Steve, congratulations and thank you for putting together such a valuable resource. It’s terrific!

  2. Ann Handley says:

    Congrats, Steve… looks awesome (scampering off to spread the news…)

  3. Hi Steve-

    Hats off to creating a blueprint demystifying the social media maze. I can imagine lots of folks will now start joining the “conversation.”

    And yes…I, too, will be sure to spread the news!

  4. Pingback: Getting Started: Social Networking « StickyFigure | New Web 2.0 Magazine

  5. Pingback: Getting Started: Social Networking « StickyFigure « Networking

  6. Pingback: Twitter Today: May 18, 2009 | kenneth lim . net

  7. Pingback: Posts about Mashable as of May 18, 2009 » The Daily Parr

  8. Pingback: Digital Biographer™ » Posts about Personal Branding as of May 19, 2009

  9. Pierre says:

    Thx Steve,

    A serious contribution to my best practices library. I’ll be sure to pass it on….


  10. yinka olaito says:

    Thanks Steve for sharing.

  11. Pingback: Crowdsourcing a Social Network “Starter” Primer « StickyFigure