Why I Follow…Jane Chin

This week, my Twitter “#FollowFriday” spotlight moves again to the West Coast, focusing on my professional colleague (and friend) Jane Chin.

I knew Jane pre-Twitter, as we both worked in the pharmaceutical training/education arena. For a long time, I respected Jane at a distance, not really knowing her as a person but liking the good, entrepreneurial work she was doing.

Then, over the years, we got to communicating more closely, which blossomed through the use of social networking/blogging.

Jane is a thinker, an idealist, someone who is always asking questions and probing the status quo. She’s principled yet evolving. She’s an overcomer, yet very human and willing to share. I could learn an awful lot of cross-cultural information from her, and would love to spend an entire afternoon doing so someday. And, she has an adorable little son!

She might chat up someone else thinking it’s you the first time you meet (yes, there is a backstory…), but that just adds to the fun. Follow @JaneChin. You’ll be glad she’s in your network!

Prior FollowFriday posts

Let’s improve Follow Fridays!

About Steve Woodruff
Steve Woodruff is a blogger, a Connection Agent, and a consultant in the pharma/healthcare industry. He specializes in helping people and companies make mutually beneficial connections.

2 Responses to Why I Follow…Jane Chin

  1. Jane Chin says:

    THANK YOU, Steve! I’m grateful to be in your opportunity network, and even more grateful to be one of your colleagues

    (By the way everyone, since writing my post on why Steve exemplifies how business introductions are done, I made the cut as a member of Steve’s preferred network. I have arrived!)

    Steve is very humble; if we were to spend an afternoon chatting, I’ll be hitting him up for advice on raising a boy, considering he’s raised FIVE!

  2. Karen Swim says:

    Steve, I got to know you and Jane through Jeanne and was delighted to find you both through social media. Jane is indeed one of the most profound thinkers I have ever encountered. Great recommendation Steve!