Social Media Museum has Bloggers all A-Twitter!

(Austin, TX) Today marks the opening of the long-awaited Social Media Museum (SoMeMe), a new mecca for worldwide networkers to come and gawk at really wOOty stuff that has fed into the historic Soc Med revolution.

conniereece1Curator Connie Reece, resplendent in a new pink-on-pink outfit financed by the Republican National Committee, cut a symbolic pink boa to mark the grand opening. Thousands of bloggers and tweeters attended virtually by watching a video stream from Jay Ehret‘s pate-mounted camera phone.

“This is a dream come true!” gushed Connie, fumbling with her smartphone to try to text message iJustine about the event. Matt Dickman quickly took over that task, with his patented “two-fisted Blackberry” technique, uploading a live HD podcast. “I can’t thank all the contributing bloggers enough, especially CB Whittemore, who picked out the carpet and cleaned the bathrooms, and Director Tom Clifford, who wore that cool beret, played 70’s rock tunes, and directed us while we did the work!”

“Wait ’til everyone sees what we’ve got here! In the Welcome Center, we have a continuous 45-second loop of Guy Kawasaki answering the question, ‘What is a blog?’, just the thing for nOObs stumbling in here with their postage stamps and FAX machines. Plus, we have a ‘Guess that blogger?’ Shel game for those who aren’t yet immersed in our superstar A-list rockstars.”

A continuous feed of Wine Library TV runs in the restrooms, with Gary Vaynerchuk bringing the thunder 24/7 to a captive audience. “And check this out over here!” Connie beamed. “It’s the Ike Pigott Personal Brand Exhibit, where visitors can assemble their own faux personal brand on-line and walk out with a keepsake avatar!”

soc-med-museumSpeaking of personal branding, the kids have not been neglected. In the Dan Schawbel Personal Branding nursery, young ones are schooled in the art of establishing their Generation-whatever brand right from the get-go, while toddler care in the Jibber-Jobber-Jr. room was designed by Jason Alba to help the little ones start planning their careers right away, complete with a complimentary on-line profile.

“And I’m so proud of ‘Shannon’s Slapshooters’, our special chick-blogger room featuring inspirational video-casts by Shannon Paul, Amanda Gravel, Beth Harte, Charissa Cowart, Lucretia Pruitt, and other luminaries of the fairer gender. We tried to get a wax statue of Arianna Huffington in here, but had to settle for the Ann Handley padded bench recliner.”

John Moore’s Brand Autopsy room promises to be a big draw, where John (and other guest bloggers) will dissect the branding and marketing efforts of various hapless organizations as a special hourly feature. In addition, Robert Scoble‘s upcoming trip to Mars to throw a blanket over the formerly-tweeting Phoenix explorer and mount a super-secret Nokia Nscoble camera phone on its robotic arm will be prominently featured, along with a 3-d hologram of the immortal Matt Bacak.

The Ancient History wing will feature such kewl exhibits as Jason Calcanis‘ blog, a life-sized Fail Whale, Mack Collier‘s modem (oh, wait – that’s contemporary), and a stuffed Pownce.

fail-whale-tshirtA final stop for visitors will be the Armano Blogger Wear and Hat shop, where the latest soc med fashions will be prominently displayed on life-sized avatars. A karaoke stage will also be set up in case the Catchup Lady ever visits.

For directions, just consult Douglas Karr‘s BrightKite posts.


(Previous StickyFigure spoofs)

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About Steve Woodruff
Steve Woodruff is a blogger, a Connection Agent, and a consultant in the pharma/healthcare industry. He specializes in helping people and companies make mutually beneficial connections.

16 Responses to Social Media Museum has Bloggers all A-Twitter!

  1. Connie Reece says:

    Just shows you how great this stuff is — you were the first blogger to pick up the social media news release for the museum — before I could even tweet it! You did leave out one item, though: the Annie Heckenberger Hashtag exhibit.

    Y’all buy your tickets and come on down to see the SoMeMe … it’s so … ME!

    LOL Thanks for this thorough skewering, Steve. I love your parodies and am honored to have been chosen for this one.

  2. Steve, I’m laughing so hard I can’t find my keyboard. You are tooooooo much! Love it and am so honored that you found a way to sandwich me between carpet and restrooms. Congrats, Connie, on your curatorship.

  3. Connie Reece says:

    C.B. I do appreciate your providing the carpet for the museum, but I’m embarrassed that Steve asked you to clean the bathrooms! LOL

  4. I so love the decor in the chick-blogger room – y’all did a brilliant job!

    There’s no place I’d rather be than hangin’ at the SoMeMe! 🙂

  5. annhandley says:

    It’s handy that Arianna Huffington and I have the same initials… the monogram on the recliner works for both of us. Isn’t that cool?

    Of course, I had to change my name.. but I don’t mind….

    Armano: I’d like a SoMeMe tshirt, please!

  6. Gary Cohen says:

    Feeeantastic opening! Was a privilege to have been there! The architecture is superb; the layout and user experience is priceless; through retina recognition, one selects the music to accompany you through the integrated immersive experience. Every item is tagged and so easy to find. And the best part, through RFID you could share the exhibits, videos or photos with your friends on every network imaginable – wirelessly – just by thinking of them and blinking fast twice.

    The in-person webinar was virtually imaginable. Anne was an awesome host. The welcoming committee led by Connie in the Pink Boa was so on I will tell all of my friends everywhere! My personal guide, Jay escorted me through the exhibits but no question the highlight was meeting the Chairman Emeritus and President for life Steve Woodruff resplendent in the latest hottest fashion Social Media item, The Hat-Ar-Mano.
    HAts Off Steve – great post!

  7. Karen Swim says:

    Steve I just got great news which made me cry and now I’m crying again from laughing so hard. Bad news my mascara did not survive, good news my funny bone is sufficiently lubricated!

  8. Matt Dickman says:

    Steve — I was actually rocking three BlackBerrys. That’s how good I am. Glad to have been a part of history.

  9. Douglas Karr says:

    Too funny! I’m old enough that I feel like I’ve got a museum in my head. Pretty awesome to get my name on a post with such a selection of illustrious and ingenious group of so’me’ gurus!

    PS: Every time I push my location on Brightkite, I loose Twitter followers… I need to disconnect the two!

  10. hockeytownusa says:

    Steve, I’m sorry I didn’t get to read this sooner! “Shannon’s Slapshooters”? Nice. 🙂

    BTW I soooo want an Ann Handley padded bench recliner. Thanks for the laughs.

  11. shannonpaul says:

    Ugh. That was me up there logged in as HockeytownUSA. Unfortunately, I was still logged in as the admin to the Red Wings’ blog.

  12. Steve:
    First visit and THIS IS GREAT! Going to the Austin/San Antonio SMC Gala Holiday Event tonight with Connie and Erin – plan on laughing about SoMeMe all the way to the event!

    Simply brilliant!


  13. Clever, clever, clever. Thanks for including Brand Autopsy.

    (fyi, Johnnie Moore is a different marketing cat. Johnnie Moore is in London. John Moore is in Austin.)

  14. well done…and connie looks so wonderful, as usual

  15. Beth Harte says:

    Here it is days later and I am still laughing a river of tears. Love the photo of Connie and her [in]famous pink boa. But the best… “Mack Collier’s modem (oh, wait – that’s contemporary)” POOR Mack! Connie needs to set up a museum charitable donation fund to either get him outta Bama or get high-speed Internet to Bama. I think the latter is more realistic…

    Thanks for the giggles Steve, this is a hoot!

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